The Todd

I guess Todd Oldham gave a talk on Alexander Girard at Pratt back in February.  Despite the fact that I live thousands of miles away from Brooklyn, it kind of pains me that I wasn't in the audience. He produced a book on Girard that sits waiting patiently on my Amazon wish list.

At my weekly pilgrimage to the red bullseye I stopped in my tracks; I realized that today was the day.  I found myself in front of the fully stocked Kid Made Modern display.  We don't want for art supplies in this house, but this stuff is rumored to immediately sell out, and I was in the store, if by accident, on launch date.  Somewhere, Alexander Girard is looking out for me.  

I found Oldham's Kid Made Modern at the library one day. I've checked it out and been overdue several times over the last year. It's full of interesting projects and techniques, and gives a little mid-century art history lesson with each chapter. The supplies and kits are based on some of the ideas from the book.  

Here's the loot I got today.  The paint by number kit is by Megan Whitmarsh.