Pen to Paper

8 years ago today I tied the knot with my main man Adam. He was the perfect combination of football player and poet, and as my roommate's older brother he was totally off limits which made him irresistible. We started writing each other letters when he lived in San Francisco and I was still at school in Davis.  When I was cleaning out our garage for our upcoming move to Petaluma, I found a box of correspondence, replete with Bob Dylan lyrics.  I'm glad I met him when I was young enough to need to make him a mix tape to really tell him how I felt.  I'm glad I was old enough to have suffered through my first broken heart. I'm glad his sister is now my sister.

Every year in June our anniversary takes a back seat to graduation (he's a high school administrator) and our son's birthday.  We usually have to celebrate later in the month. This year is no exception.  Falling on a Tuesday, our house full of boxes and a distinct lack of babysitting prospects we're trying to steal away a few hours this evening to see the new Wes Anderson film "Moonrise Kingdom" about young love and letter writing.  We got married just as weddings were starting to take on themes, and I wanted ours to feel like the inside of a Wes Anderson movie.  We played a lot of Mark Mothersbaugh during the cocktail hour and I had my brother- in-law illustrate the assets of our invitations with hand drawn maps and pictures of the venues.  We were cheeky with our vows.  Adam asked me to promise to give him wild haired children.  We flew to Paris for our honeymoon.  It feels like a movie when I think back on it

Now we're on to our next adventure, two wild haired kids in tow...