Be Prepared

I picked up my copy of the Design*Sponge print edition over the weekend and am now longing for the days of summer camp. They chose this year's theme in part because it is the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts. You can imagine the badges that I collected over the years. Chock-full of camp inspired DIY, activities, recipes, and a feature on Camp Wandawega which looks like it's out of Moonrise Kingdom, the print copy is every bit as cool as the blog, plus you get to hold it in your hot little hands. The summer newspaper is available exclusively at Anthropologie stores for $5.  

Still every bit as relevant as when I was young...

The Girl Scout Law

I will do my best to be

honest and fair,

friendly and helpful,

considerate and caring,

courageous and strong, and

responsible for what I say and do,

and to 

respect myself and others,

respect authority, use resources wisely,

make the world a better place, and

be a sister to every Girl Scout.