Hope and Change

Last week I really started to notice the flutter of gratitude posts on Facebook. November has become a month of giving thanks, which I think is actually very lovely. I am too lazy to think of a unique thing to say every day, which extends to writing my blog. Last week I started several projects, and prepared a few posts, but nothing felt authentic or all that interesting to me.  I don't want to write something unfinished or uninteresting just to put it out there, and I don't want my children to watch 4 hours of television to make myself appear perfectly crafty.  So, I think I'm going to slow it down and tidy it up. Stay tuned for some pretty holiday projects that you can work on now, make-it-yourself gift ideas, and some more recipes from our kitchen.   

For today, in the spirit of Thanksgiving...I am thankful for my wacky family, and our light-filled happy home, even when it looks like this:

