The Big One

growing up
growing up

Every Wednesday Jasper and I have a study date for a few hours at our favorite coffee shop before picking up his brother from preschool.  We get our drinks, do our homework and talk about stuff. On our last date he really broke down the Star Wars saga for me, even borrowing some of my graph paper to illustrate parts of the story. It's funny to listen to him talk about something that he is passionate about, because the majority of the time I have to pry information from him. We're very close, but he's at an age, that being 6, where he rolls his eyes and groans when I ask annoying questions like "What did you do at school today?". Aren't I the worst? He shakes my hand away when we walk across the schoolyard to the car, and he objects to play dates with girls. It's kind of weird to see your child growing up and away from you, a little sad maybe.

 Fortunately for me he's young enough that on most days when he wakes up he still trots into our room half asleep, hops in bed, and snuggles.  At least for a few moments, in the quiet of the morning, he's still my little guy. 

I wonder if any of you are going through the same thing?