Make What You Pin

Great art projects for kids, all found on Pinterest
Great art projects for kids, all found on Pinterest

Last week was spring break and we were housebound for a few days because of the rainy weather.  I decided to host a little art party for Jasper and his buddies to prevent cabin fever.  It turns out that little boys are not always so into doing art. Fortunately, I also got a couple of pre-tween girls in the mix who were super excited with what I had to offer which really solidified a few things for me.  1. I still sometimes wish I had a little girl.  Not going to happen, but can we all agree she would probably love growing up with Poppy Haus?  2. I need to start teaching art again.  I did it last year with kindergartners and it was so fun.  So I'm thinking about how I might offer classes to this pre-tween set.  Imagine all the Pinterest projects we could do.  Local people, any ideas?  I also wanted to mention that next month I'm going to explore what's "cool for small".  Thank you to everyone who voted on Facebook!  I'll be doing a whole month of ideas for food, play, and design just for kids.  To get things moving that direction, check out my Pinterest board dedicated to kids art projects. Here's the link. On there you'll see some of the projects we did here, and many more that I can't wait to try. Do you follow Poppy Haus on Pinterest? You totally should.