What Now

It's the time of the year when I started to get excited about growing a garden, eating lighter, and doing more outside. Our farmer's market is picking up, and springtime is around the corner, which means berries, asparagus, artichokes, and lots of salads. This month I'll be doing a series of posts with a seasonal theme. For today, here's a great guide to know what's in season right now in your neck of the woods. 

We are getting a super late start to planting our garden! I told you I was frazzled.  Having pretty much missed the boat on winter greens, we decided to grow some things will be ready to pluck within a month or two.  This year we're doing raised beds for the bulk of our planting, and we handed over 4 wine barrels for the kids to graze out of.  I planted them some strawberries, blueberries, carrots and Easter Egg radishes. Once they make their way through the carrot barrel we'll put in their favorite cherry tomatoes. Over in our raised beds I'm doing potatoes, nante carrots, snow peas and several varieties of lettuce, which we'll replace with summer squash, melons, and more tomatoes in the coming months. Fingers crossed.