Cool For Small

Hearts On Fire Beach
Hearts On Fire Beach

Happy April Fools Day! If I had more time you would be reading "Poopy Horse-Bad ideas for food, play and design" featuring a DIY Lorax mustache made out of leftover Easter basket grass.  I guess there's always next year. 

So, I'm so excited about this month of posts dedicated to what's cool for small. I have a feeling the theme might stick around. I'll start off with a great vacation spot for kids here in California. We spent the holiday weekend in Point Reyes Station. While the weather was kind of yucky on Easter, we got an unexpected sunny beach day on Saturday. If you ever find yourself out this way, take a trip to Hearts on Fire beach in Inverness.  This is the perfect kids beach.  It is clean and flat, there is no surf, and the parking lot is is right next to the sand.  If you have kids, you know why these are good things. Before heading out there we grabbed some lunch at Cafe Reyes in Point Reyes Station. They make ah-mazing wood-fired pizzas, and serve Drakes Bay oysters, and they have a back patio with an adjacent grassy field for restaurant bored kids to leave the table and play a game of pick-up tag. Fine (family) dining.

Great Kids Beach
Great Kids Beach

By early evening, we started to get some weather, but we didn't care, because outside our door we spied a double rainbow! The rain didn't keep the Easter bunny away.  Though it poured all night, I spent the early morning hiding plastic eggs on the expansive lawn behind our vacation house.  I have the perfect spot to stay here if you are with a small family.  It has a bocce ball court, a tennis court (with junior rackets), a massive wild lawn complete with a giant wooden pirate ship play structure, all at far less than you'd shell out for a hotel. Here's the


double rainbow
double rainbow
pt reyes station
pt reyes station

After egg hunting and a lovely little brunch in town at

The Station House

, we drove way out there to the

Pt. Reyes Lighthouse

.  At this time of year pacific grey whales are migrating north, and we got a glimpse of several blow-holes and some flukes.  Past the observation deck there are about 350 steps straight down to the lighthouse to consider. Wylie required a carry up, but Jasper handled it, and Adam and I got to work off our pancakes. On our way back we stopped to pick up some more oysters at

Drakes Bay

, before hunkering down for another rain storm.

pt. reyes lighthouse
pt. reyes lighthouse