Playing It Forward

Wow. This was a crazy week for me. I had 2 tests, a paper due and a ton of homework, plus a bunch of paperwork to deal with, and you know, some posts to get out, and some kids with stomachaches. I thought maybe I'd cheat a little and share my DIY for Playful Learning. It's a simple project that you can do with your kids, using my old stand by, a rice paper lantern, and a paper grocery bag.  Check out the full tutorial on their site. Have you ever visited Playful Learning?  In addition to arts+crafts, they have inspiring educational content, e-courses, and an e-book. I'm really quite proud that I get to be a contributor for them... 

I'll be back on Monday with more Cool for Small topics.  Have a relaxing weekend! I'll be spending a little time away with my main squeeze on the coast in a little town called Jenner. I know, two weekends in a row, I'm a lady of leisure. xo, Heather