It's kind of hard not to be in a funk today.  It's the third day of summer and it's raining cats and dogs.  I got back home late yesterday afternoon after a weekend in Wisconsin.  My family gathered to pay tribute to my Grandma Bev, affectionately known as GGB (Great Grandma Bev) to my boys.  You may recall she passed away in February just one day before her 85th birthday. It was really great to see all of the people who loved her, to hear everyone's favorite memories, most of them very sweet and light-hearted, but it was a somber, emotionally taxing trip, and I am wishing she was still here to share a laugh with over the funny, ordinary things in life. I am grateful that the last time I really had a proper conversation with her I got to tell her how much I loved her, and that my wonderful Aunt Lorrie who was with her while she was fading away, held up the phone to her ear so that the boys and I could sing her favorite song to her. "I love you, a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck".

She was a good one, that GGB.

