The West Wing

When we moved here, one year ago this week, the boys began to share a room and eventually took over the entire corridor off of our kitchen which includes a playroom and their own bathroom. I decided to move Wylie into a twin bed straight from the crib, and created a little bunk room for them so that their visiting cousins and future sleepover buddies could spend the night. With one year under our belt I hadn't totally finished putting together their sleeping quarters, and I've been feeling a little guilty about it, so this week I put on the finishing touches and moved a few things around to make it more complete. Here's the quick tour... 

The circus stripe rug is from Dwell Studio. It has made an appearance in three different rooms in this house.  I like it best in their room. The bunk beds and bedding are from IKEA. I made the


for Wylie's 2nd birthday. The felt campfire was a DIY before I began blogging. The orange paper lantern lights are from World Market. The mobile was from Pottery Barn Kids.  The wall art of San Francisco is also from IKEA.  The super hero picture in the hallway was a find from a coffee shop gallery in Portland, OR.  We call it "Super Wylie".

Their playroom across the hall houses most of their toys (lucky ducks), and their books are stored out in our family room, so this space is dedicated to quiet time, sleeping, and time outs. I tried to make it relaxing, and non-distracting, incorporating only their most mellow toys like plastic animals, Magna Tiles, and puzzles, all tucked away out of sight.

This was Jasper's dresser from his original nursery.  We found it several years ago at IKEA for next to nothing.  I love the little rope handles. When they are a little older I'll purchase more durable furniture, but until then, IKEA is where it's at.

I have collected and made so many throw pillows over the years.  They tend to just rotate around our homes.  I picked up this crow pillow from the Binth booth at a trade show in NY. Here's the tutorial to make the rag rug pillow, and here's the tutorial for making the dream catcher.

I asked Jasper what his favorite thing was about his room.  He said that it looked cool.  Then he said he loved the fan (not pictured).  It's been a hot summer. 

This is what Wylie had to say:

Apparently he was really mad that I disposed of his sparkling water.