Warm Fuzzies

DIY Woolen Trees
DIY Woolen Trees

Introducing Snow Ball, our papier mache rabbit, rescued from the rubbish bin of the Anthropologie display room. I brought her home for the boys and as I suspected, they immediately made "SB" our pet. Here she is modeling for this year's first holiday decor DIY: Woolen Trees. I've been working a lot with wool yarns for my textile class, and it's becoming my new favorite material for decorations.  For this first project I wrapped wool yarn around cardboard cone bases to create a textile forest. See tutorial below!

DIY Woolen Trees
DIY Woolen Trees

To make Woolen Trees, you will need:

Cardboard Cones (Found at Michael's)

Knitting Wool (or acrylic), use Ivory for snow

Scotch or Masking Tape

Hot Glue

Portion out a few feet of yarn. Start at the top, layer a strand of yarn over the tip and secure with tape. Wind around in concentric layers about 1/4 way down the cone. Secure end of strand with tape, and add second color. Wind to base and dot with hot glue to secure final layer.  If the tip is popping up a bit, secure with a small dot of hot glue to reinforce.