A Summer Chowder

We are really in the sweet spot of summer, when the corn is sweet, and squash and tomatoes are ripe and full of flavor.  Here's a pretty summer chowder chalk full of everything summer with a simple corn stock, salty Canadian bacon and sweet shrimp.

Summer Corn Chowder

6 servings

5 Ears of corn

12 cups water

2 Small zucchini or other summer squash, diced

2 4 small potatoes(yukon gold, white), chopped

1 onion, diced

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 stalks celery, coarsely chopped

3 slices Canadian bacon, diced

1 lb medium uncooked, deveined shrimp, chopped into 1" pieces

1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, sliced

4 sprigs fresh thyme

1 tbsp peppercorns

1/4 fresh cilantro leaves, chopped

1 tbsp olive oil

Salt and Coarse pepper

Shave the uncooked corn from the cob, reserving kernels in a bowl, and place the cobs into a pot with the water, 2 of the 4 potatoes, the celery, 1/2 of the onion, thyme sprigs, peppercorns and a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil, then cover and reduce heat, and simmer for about 45 minutes. 

While the stock is building, warm olive oil over medium flame in a large saute pan or cast iron skillet. Add in the remaining potatoes, zucchini, other half of onion, garlic, and Canadian bacon. Saute until onions become translucent and potatoes begin to soften.  Add in the corn kernels, and ladle in two cups of stock (you may wish to strain the whole ingredients from the broth). Simmer in the pan until liquid begins to reduce, stirring frequently.  Add in two more cups of stock, reduce heat to medium, and cover for 15 minutes.  Add in shrimp, folding into the chowder, adding in another 2 cups of stock.  Cover and simmer for another 10 minutes until shrimp is pink and plump.  

Portion into bowls and garnish with cilantro and tomatoes, sea salt and red pepper flakes.