The Namesake

The Namesake

We made our way into the city yesterday to take Jasper to see his namesake's work at SFMOMA. I'd be totally disingenuous if I said he was riveted by the extensive collection on display (certainly not as riveted as me).  Sometimes you do something for your kid that's really for yourself.  His favorite part of the day was probably our trip to the ballpark to get his Giants jersey customized, and to the mall to get some new kicks.  Despite his appropriate level of 6 year old boredom cruising the halls of a museum, we did find a few interactive pieces that he loved, including a radio frequency exhibit where the participant uses their projected image to tune to different signals.  He also loved the art learning annex where he created his own work inspired by Matisse. The Jasper Johns exhibit will be running through 2.3.13.

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