LACK Luster

LACK Luster

I am an avid follower of Apartment Therapy, it's kind of like design porn for me, and it's a great alternative to staring at facebook updates when I'm avoiding a pile of laundry.  At years end they do "best of" lists, and today they posted one on best Hacked, Upcycled & DIY projects of the year.  Number one on the list was the LACK hack. For those of you that don't know LACK, it's this little square end table sold for about $10 at IKEA.  I recently did my own LACK hack.  I've been needing a multipurpose table (trains, legos, late night wine fueled Trivial Pursuit tournaments)to be kept in the living room, therefore not painted with a charming train scene and also not something that costs more than my couch.  I found a brand new 48" table top in the cast off section of IKEA for $5.  It's a solid table top (heavy).  I attached it to a matching birch LACK table using heavy duty foam tape, paired it with some classy white stools for munchkin seating and voila.

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