Training Day

Training Day

I can be a very lazy parent, the second time around.  I had Jasper potty trained by his third birthday, and you'd think if you've done it once it would be easier when it came time to do it again. This would require some commitment and and willingness to adapt on my part. It turns out, my kids are motivated by different things.  Jasper is competitive. He's one of those people that waits until he's pretty darn positive he'll succeed at something, then just does it perfectly from there on out. He just stopped peeing his pants on his birthday. Wylie wants to know what's it for him. He's in no rush to be diaper-free. I was thinking of using candy to motivate him into the potty routine (he's proven he knows how to use one, and he loves candy), but then my friend Jen suggested something genius.  Go to the dollar store or The One Spot at Target and buy a bunch of cheap little presents.  Wrap them up and put them in a basket.  Then tell your little potty- trainer that every time they take the initiative and use the toilet they get to open a present.  The basket of presents is supposedly so enticing they have a new-found motivation to succeed. Sure, it's bribery, but I'm pretty sure the good (no more diapers) outweighs the bad.  I have two more weeks until he's three, so I'm giving it a shot, and I'll keep you posted. Here's what I got him...

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