The Anthropologist

About ten years ago I walked into the San Francisco Anthropologie and looked up at a ray of fabric buttterflies stretching across their top floor ceiling.  Some short time later, I gathered the materials and made a smaller scale version for my apartment. Now their clothes and accessories are coveted by just about every girl I know, but my favorite thing about Anthropologie is the the ambiance, the way you can feel the warm scent from the burning candles, the day dreamy music, and the hand crafted art installations they call visual merchandising.  They sell all sorts of fancy and unattainable things, but the store is full of pieces constructed out of paper and wire and rope meant to feel that way. I have this smart and stylish friend named Valerie, who recently posted a link to a beautiful Rhodadendron chandelier from Anthropologie and it got me's been a while. 

Hey There, Cupcake

I picked up some white paper lanterns and tightly layered soft white cupcake papers around the surface using a hot glue gun. I later went around with decorative petit fours papers found at a store called Spun Sugar in Berkeley. They gave the first layer some dimension and made it look less like a party decoration. I think the overall look feels something more like anenomes. They would look beautiful with  a light dropped in them, for now they hang over my dining room table.


  • 100–125  white standard-sized paper cupcake liners
  • 100–125  vertically striped petit fours papers
  • (1) 18–20″ white paper lantern
  • hot glue gun
  • 1 Hemma Cord from IKEA (for lighting) ($3.99)