Hand Picked

About a month ago we took a day trip to do some berry picking. The plan was to get enough fruit to produce a stock of homemade jam. 



It was a windy drive down Hwy 1 with two impatient passengers, but once we arrived at the center of town and got out of the car time seemed to stop.  There's a fantastic general store with an attached cafe that opens onto an expansive lawn. It just so happened that day the lawn was also home to a 70's rock jam band; this was not lost on me.  We sat and ate our too big sandwiches(I may have had a glass of white wine)and enjoyed the scene before pushing off to the berry patches down the road.  The place we go to has both olallieberries and strawberries ripe for the picking. With a little instruction the kids were off, although my younger son spent the majority of our time there eating fruit off the plants. Four buckets and one very stained shirt later we'd had ourselves a day. Jam is in the works.