I Scream, You Scream

I've owned an electric ice cream maker for about 7 years and I've never turned the thing on. The reason it sits idle is that when it comes to making ice cream, we prefer to get our hands dirty.  My always creative mother-in-law decided to have her guests make their own ice cream using coffee cans at a party she hosted and now it's a summer time staple for our family. 

Here's how we do it:

Kick the Can Ice Cream

You'll need two clean coffee cans with lids (one big enough to hold the other).


1 pint of half and half  

1/4 cup sugar

4 tsp pudding mix

1 1/2 cups rock salt

2 cups ice

  1. Mix together the first three ingredients.
  2. Place the ice cream mixture in the smaller coffee can and seal with the lid on tightly.
  3. Place the smaller can in the center of the larger can. Pour the ice and salt around the smaller can in layers.
  4. Seal the larger can with its lid tightly (we use duct tape) and roll it around on a the sidewalk for about a half hour. This seems like a long time, take turns, kids can roll on the ground between each other.
  5. Enjoy! You earned it.