Anniversary Party

This past weekend we surprised my in-laws with a belated Anniversary Party to celebrate their forty years of marriage.  We wanted to recreate a version of their original reception.  

With a little sleuthing we found out their backyard wedding menu featured appetizers, their colors were apple green,pink and white, invitation font was French Script and wedding song was "Unchained Melody". 

Armed with these details, we scouted a location in a park near their home, and set the park picnic table in a green linen table cloth with pink roses and carnations - a nod to the 1970's.  The menu was a play on their original appetizers. We featured Crab Cakes with an herb salad, Lamb and Tri Tip Kabobs with a pilaf with almonds and golden raisins and a Vanilla Chiffon Wedding Cake, complete with miniature bride and groom cake topper.  Here's to 40 more.