Burning Down the House

I've had a crazy couple of weeks.  We were out by the Playhaus and got ambushed by a swarm of yellow jackets which was as insane as it sounds. After a month long interview process I was offered a job, accepted the job, and ended up needing to walk away. Oh and Jasper started Kindergarten. I've realized though at times being a mother can be a scary, frustrating, and sort of personally stifling experience for me. For now at least, it's what I am good at and I really am lucky that I have the opportunity to be their mom.

Laying Low.

Laying Low.

They say in a fire, you want to get down low to give yourself space to breath.  The only good thing about having to call the paramedics is that when it turned out everything was okay, I had a room full of fire fighters(yes this was good for everyone), a big red truck with flashing lights in front of our house and two small boys with big grins and plastic helmets. Sometimes after a week or two of crazy what you really need to do is nothing, and that's just what we've been doing.