What Makes Them Extraordinary

What Makes Them Extraordinary

Every parent knows those little things about their child that make them extraordinary.  I'm no exception, but I usually don't talk about that kind of thing on my blog. Today I'm indulging my mama side and I'm going to share with you a few secrets about why, in fact, my boys are extraordinary. They are different from each other, but they share something very profound in common, the courage to get out there and truly live life. 

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What's Really Going On

What's Really Going On

I haven't been posting a lot lately, because we've been going through some stuff...good and bad.  For several months, my little guy, Wylie, has been complaining of headaches. Totally disturbing, right? We were forced to schedule an MRI, something that required him to be completely anesthetized, in order to find out if something was up with his brain. We had to take an early morning trip back to Oakland to have him put under for the scan.  It is not really all that fun watching your child with tubes up his nose, completely knocked out. The procedure went well, and much to our relief, about 10 minutes into our post-MRI ice cream party at Fenton's, his doctor called to tell us that the radiologist found no brain abnormalities. This doesn't explain the headaches, but I'll take it. As you can imagine, I've been operating at a high stress level. I got sick. Really sick. I'm still on really powerful antibiotics to treat a double ear infection brought on by a bad cold. I just haven't had the time to produce new project based content for Poppy Haus for the past few weeks, and I'm feeling a little melancholy about that.

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A Soft Spot

A Soft Spot

What you are observing here is my carpet, a tiny digger, and some real dirt. Fortunately it was dry dirt. I should be mad, but here's the thing, I really love vacuuming.

It's methodical and relaxing, and totally unlike cleaning the bathroom. I also love my boyfriend Dyson and the Sting looking guy who invented him, and I love having a carpeted home. I find it decadent to lay on the floor and read magazines, and I love the warmth underfoot when I step out of bed in the morning. There was a time when I refused to consider looking at an apartment that wasn't completely hardwood, but now I can't imagine life without carpet, which I'm sure has something to do with having kids.  Don't get me wrong, I still need a little hardwood with an accent rug in my life, but more for aesthetics, not for living. What do you think?  Carpet or hardwood?

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Burning Down the House

Burning Down the House

I've had a crazy couple of weeks.  We were out by the Playhaus and got ambushed by a swarm of yellow jackets which was as insane as it sounds. After a month long interview process I was offered a job, accepted the job, and ended up needing to walk away. Oh and Jasper started Kindergarten. I've realized though at times being a mother can be a scary, frustrating, and sort of personally stifling experience for me. For now at least, it's what I am good at and I really am lucky that I have the opportunity to be their mom.

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