Party Animal

This Saturday is my baby's 2nd birthday Party.  For his first we hired a singing cowboy and had a spaghetti western.  This year we'd planned on a party at small farm located in Tilden Park.  He's obsessed with animals.  We've been talking about his birthday a lot over the last few weeks and he's had some things to say about what he wants (including a dinosaur cake and a choo choo train).  I thought it would be kind of fun to morph this into a "Few Of My Favorite Things" theme. I'm trying to keep it simple, and it's staying at the farm, but I'll be incorporating some of his requests into the day.  I made the favor bags today.  They are a nod to his love of animals, but between us, he gets a box of animal crackers every Monday when we do our weekly grocery shopping trip.  I made the bags from mill cloth sacks and block printed them using a simple stamp handmade from some craft foam glued to cardboard. I also printed brown bags for pre-packed lunches for the kids and and to hold the celery and lettuce they'll feed the animals.