Give Me Shelter

One of my favorite scenes from a movie took place inside a house-tent in The Royal Tenenbaums.  Richie and Margot sat listening to "She Smiled Sweetly" by The Rolling Stones and shared a real moment. It was an illuminated hideaway in their otherwise chaotic childhood home.  I think I've secretly wanted a little tent in my house ever since.  Fast forward 11 years.  My son Wylie has the tiniest shoe box of a room.  It holds a crib, a small dresser and wardrobe.  It's never been a place for him to hang out. His birthday is today and I presented him with his very own little teepee tent for his room.  I've been working on it all week. It's made from eco-felt, dowels and twine. I tried my hand at a little hand textile design using an oil based fabric pen  I'll put up a tutorial update to this post soon. For now, here's some more pictures...