Due West

Petaluma, CA
Petaluma, CA

This morning Adam left his computer at home, and because there is no cell phone service in Tomales, and I knew he'd need it, I threw the kids in the car and drove it out to him.  Driving out of our already small town into the rolling hills of far west Marin county is not a bad commute. I put on a little Bon Iver and went with it. The high school is like a mirage in the midst of sun-scorched fields, dotted with cows and wild flowers, like something out of a Steinbeck novel. When we were leaving, I looked back at the tiny school marquee and saw the welcome message.  It's funny, because since we've moved it's felt a little like vacation, and I still call Oakland "home". We're mostly unpacked, but we still haven't really met anyone yet, and while this has been a transformative month,  I'm really looking forward to the start of school for us all to make some friends, to get this party started.