All Is Love

where the wild thing are
where the wild thing are

So Monday was not so great. Jasper managed to spill an entire bottle of enamel paint (red) all over himself and our outdoor furniture.  I lost my mind.  After I scrubbed him with olive oil and sea salt to get it off, he took a bath and was sent to his room to pick up his toys...which he refused to do for over three hours.  When he started to get hungry he acquiesced.  Somehow the ship righted itself when what started with a little dance party turned into an actual wild rumpus, complete with old Halloween costumes, music from the movie, signage, and a tee pee lighting in preparation for dad to get home to read the book.

I'm looking forward to having the time to complete the dozens of projects I've had on the back burner once school starts for everyone, and we've certainly have had some long days, but I'll miss our endless summer.