DIY Fridays

Summer ends next week, in a way, and for the first time in 2 1/2 years I will be kid free, three days a week.  I will miss their little butts, but I am so ready to have the time to create projects, work on recipes and do more research on design, housewares and goings on.  I'm instituting a DIY Friday post which be an easy to accomplish weekend project.  This week I'm featuring a revision of a sunburst I made last year.  My first version was broken in the move.  This one is a little more glamorous and better executed. I omitted the mirror, but it could easily be glued to the underside of the ring. For the tutorial, click below.

DIY Sunburst

Gather Materials:

6- 1"X24" triangular balsa pieces

11- 1/2"X24' triangular balsa pieces

1- flat 6" ring


X-acto knife

Gold spray paint

Ivory spray paint

Gorilla Glue

Cut the 1" balsa pieces in half (which will result in 12 pieces, you will need only 11)

Cut the 1/2" pieces to 18" each

Spray the ring and the 1" pieces gold 

Spray the 1/2" pieces ivory (may need two coats)

Lay out the 1" pieces around the ring, and glue down, allowing 3 hours to dry.

Glue down the ivory pieces face down into the groove created by the first layer.  Allow to dry for another 3 hours.

I can't attach anything to our living room walls, because they are plaster, so I will be hanging mine with line using a moulding hook.  The best way to hang otherwise would be to attach a toothed picture flat hook.  It weighs so little that a thin nail with a wide head would suffice to hold it up.

Source List:

Balsa Pieces- Hobby Town, also available at Blick

Ring- Michael's

Spray Paint- Metallic Gold and Ivory- Orchard Supply

Gorilla Glue- Michaels