Shining Happy People

alexander girard
alexander girard

Alexander Girard's Wooden Dolls

One of the reasons I enjoy mid century artists and design is that it speaks to my life right now.  Eames, Girard, Risom, and Calder made things that were functional, simple, accessible, and delightful, even for children. Their work extends beyond shell rocking chairs and mobiles. Here are two creations in motion guaranteed to make you smile.

The Eames duo designed the "Do Nothing Machine", a solar powered toy for the ALCOA's Forecast Garden Collection, that literally did nothing, except harness the power of the sun(in 1957). It was also really fun to look at. "It is not supposed to do. It is supposed to be. Its whole function is in its being." Ray Eames

Alexander Calder is best known for his beautiful bent wire


, but his intricate wire circus is truly stunning.  Here he is performing the circus back in 1952 (originally created in 1927).