Alexander Calder

Alexander Calder

Here's a cool thing that happened to me...When I got home from Alt Summit there was a package with my name on it sitting on the dining room table. When I opened it I found this happy, beautiful pop-up book called Alexander Calder: Meet the Artist with a hand written note from Princeton Architectural Press that said that it was coming out this February and they thought I might be like it. They got me. I love this guy. If you have a little artist at home, they will love learning about Calder.  He was just a big kid himself, making colorful art for art's sake.  I'm totally inspired to start working on Calder projects now. Enjoy the show!

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Shining Happy People

Shining Happy People

One of the reasons I enjoy mid century artists and design is that it speaks to my life right now.  Eames, Girard, Risom, and Calder made things that were functional, simple, accessible, and delightful, even for children. Their work extends beyond shell rocking chairs and mobiles. Here are two creations in motion guaranteed to make you smile.

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