DIY Friday: Cheap Thrills

Truffle Popcorn
Truffle Popcorn

This time of year can get hectic, and of course, quite costly.  Today I'm going to share a recipe for my signature party treat: Rosemary and Truffle Oil Popcorn.  It's such a crowd pleaser, and with a small investment in some decent white truffle oil (on sale right now at Whole Foods for $13) this stovetop treat is perfect for Thanksgiving football or a holiday party.  I'm also doing a quick tutorial for a fancy pants way to serve it, inspired by a ornament display at Anthro.  Read on and have a beautiful weekend!

truffle popcorn
truffle popcorn
DIY Party Bowl
DIY Party Bowl

Rosemary and White Truffle Oil Popcorn

3 tbsp canola oil or flavorless coconut oil (for popping)

1/3 cup popcorn kernels

1 sprig rosemary, chopped

1 tbsp white truffle oil 

1 tbsp course sea salt

Heat oil over a medium-high flame in a wide shallow pot. Add kernels and cover, shaking it to coat the corn. Leave lid slightly askew to allow steam to release.  Pop and shake until you here the kernel popping drop off.  Transfer to a bowl, toss with rosemary, truffle oil, and salt.

To make the paper bowl, simple spray the exterior of a brown paper sack with metallic spray (remember to get the sides and the base).  Fold the top down to the desired height and round to shape.  Voila!  Use this concept to package wine, or create a paper vase for a centerpiece, simply put the flowers or plant in a container inside the bag. 

DIY Party Bowl
DIY Party Bowl