Refrigerator Art

I love to get the mail in December. Nestled in between the bills and the catalogs are pretty handwritten envelopes with cheerful stamps. Inside are the smiling, familiar faces of my friends and more often than not, their silly, happy kids. These cards live on my refrigerator long after the tree comes down. I've already started pouring through the hundreds of photos I've taken of my boys this year for our card.  I always choose candid shots, and I like understated designs to really showcase the picture. I'm particularly smitten with the holiday photo card collection offered on Minted, and I'm really leaning towards this card and the snazzy black-striped envelope lining and backing. Maybe it's the cute little boys in oxford shirts... 

So, the really cool thing about Minted is that it's a portal for indie designers get their work out there. They can submit their work to be voted on by the community, which could earn them the opportunity to "minted" into the collection. You can read more about the designers, upcoming call for entries, DIY's, and general prettiness on their adorably named blog, Julep

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