Pretty Woman

what to wear to alt
what to wear to alt

In two days a board a plane to Salt Lake City for Altitude Design Summit.  The hardest part about this whole experience for me so far has been figuring out what to wear. I will spend 4 days soaking up as much information as I can, making as many connections as I can, and I will do it wearing as much sparkle and sass as I can. 

In my everyday life I go to great pains to get up every morning, make breakfast, then more breakfast for my kids, pack lunches, put tiny socks on wiggling feet, brow beat teeth brushing, dose out vitamins, and referee squabbling. I tend to forget to eat during the feeding frenzy, but I manage to down 1.5 cups of coffee to sustain the pace. During this routine, I usually take about 15 minutes to rinse off, brush my teeth, put on some tinted moisturizer and blush (to look alive), and throw on some skinny jeans, topsiders, and a top, any top, my coat will cover it. My unbrushed hair is usually pulled into a bun/ponytail. Motherhood is super glamorous! Fortunately there's no time to look in a mirror.

So starting Wednesday, even my travel clothes will be well thought out.  I have a fancy golden pouch for the hundreds of business cards I will exchange.  I'm packing my new red dress for the Clue-themed party, and I'll be bringing along my Blurb book that features a collection of my blog posts from the past year. I mailed off my customized paper lanterns to Bing for their #bingittolife party. I'm so thrilled that my work was selected! Can you tell I'm excited?  I'm excited.

blurb book
blurb book