The Home Team

Football fan or not, you may find yourself gathering at someone's house for a Super Bowl party this Sunday.  I myself am playing host, but I'm totally phoning it in, literally, I'm ordering pizzas.  I've been out of town, and sometimes this kitchen maven needs a break. I did think it would be kind of fun to make just one little thing to celebrate our foodie culture on San Francisco's big day. Since it's a Super Bowl party, handmade potato chips fit the bill. They are easy to make, and my official taste tester let me know that they are in fact, the bomb. Recipe and pictures below, go Niners!

Scrub large, well shaped russet potatoes, pat dry and thinly slice with a sharp knife, or a mandolin if you happen to have one.

Put the slices in an ice bath for 10 minutes.  This reduces the starch, allowing the potatoes to crisp up when they fry.

Pat them dry with a cotton kitchen towel, allow to air dry.

Heat 2" deep canola or rice bran oil in a shallow sauce pan at medium-high heat.  Test the oil by flicking a tiny bit of water into the pan with your fingers.  If it hisses and pops, you're ready to fry.

In small batches, carefully add the sliced potatoes to the pan.  Using tongs, flip them around after one side browns (about 2 minutes)and continue frying until uniformly golden brown.

Transfer chips to a plate covered in paper towels.  Once the extra oil is absorbed, allow to air dry on a rack or a flat sieve. Garnish with cracked sea salt, and chopped rosemary or cracked pepper.