Funny Face

Apparently valentines are kind of girly.  So says Jasper. 

We sat down and brainstormed what to do for this year and he decided on these little mustache and lips on sticks, because of all of the fun we'd had with our own set from The Curiosity Shoppe. The tutorial is below, but HEY! I have a fun little announcement...

I'm going to be sending one special reader the supplies to do this featured DIY. All you have to do is leave a comment on the post (not on facebook) and you'll be entered to win. I will even ship to jolly old England if need be. TO ENTER you must LEAVE A COMMENT! A nice one please.  Winner will be randomly selected. So today's post will be February's giveaway.  You have from today until next Thursday to enter.  I'll package up everything you need to make 25 of these mustache and lips on sticks!


12x12 sheets of glitter stock (scrap booking paper)

Thin popsicle sticks (found at craft stores)

Hot glue gun


A pen

A pencil

Card stock scrap to make a stencil

Draw out a mustache or a pair of lips (reference mine or make your own) by folding a piece of scrap card stock in half, drawing half the mustache and cutting it out (this makes it symmetrical)about 3 inches maximum. 

With a pencil trace several mustaches/lips on your chosen colors and cut them out and erase any marks on the paper.

Place a drop of hot glue on the right hand side of the back of the paper (most of us are right-handed) and apply a popsicle stick, pressing, allowing to cool for 15 seconds.

Write a greeting on the backside of the stick to let the kids know who it's from!

Pretty easy, huh?