The River

Here are some more snapshots of our vacation in Guerneville. Located 2 minutes from a perfect river beach, 20 minutes from the Pacific Ocean, with a State Park redwood forest on the outskirts of town, we spent a lot of time in nature.  I even bought a pair of Keens (gasp!). Going on this trip I had a little epiphany. I really like feeling as though I'm in the middle of nowhere. Every morning I would go outside and drink my coffee on the deck of our beautiful cabin and enjoy the quiet.  All I could see was trees and the water, and one time a naked lady walking across her deck at the house across river.

The Russian River is so peaceful and lazy. The public beaches are a little chaotic, though wonderful for kids, but once on river either floating away in a big black inner tube or paddling in a canoe to a private riverbank picnic you just slow down, and it feels so good...