The River

The River

Here are some more snapshots of our vacation in Guerneville. Located 2 minutes from a perfect river beach, 20 minutes from the Pacific Ocean, with a State Park redwood forest on the outskirts of town, we spent a lot of time in nature.  I even bought a pair of Keens (gasp!). Going on this trip I had a little epiphany. I really like feeling as though I'm in the middle of nowhere. Every morning I would go outside and drink my coffee on the deck of our beautiful cabin and enjoy the quiet.  All I could see was trees and the water, and one time a naked lady walking across her deck at the house across river.

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The Great Outdoors

The Great Outdoors

Jasper and his best friend Mateo went on their fist backpacking trip yesterday.  I didn't get to go, as this was a father-son trip, but I got my hands on some pictures. They ate beans from a can, toasted marshmallows, climbed "mountains", jumped from rocks, went fishing, used pocketknives, and managed to survive a few bee stings, slithering water snakes, and sleeping in tents with their snoring fathers' after talking themselves to sleep. Like a page from The Dangerous Book for Boys

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Flower Bomb

Flower Bomb

Acres of ranunculus.  So pretty I kind of can't take it. If you ever find yourself driving through Carlsbad, California between March and May you must stop and visit The Flower Fields

The farm cuts up a hill, in stripes of color for what feels like miles. Just as amazing as the tulip fields in Holland, looking down from the hilltop you see a rainbow in flowers fading into the Pacific.

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Plastic Fantastic

Plastic Fantastic

I'll be spending the next few days in the 6 year old boy paradise otherwise known as Legoland.  Let's be clear, I'm totally on board.  It's not Disneyland and they have a lazy river. Legos are great because they encourage creativity in design, but if you've ever tried to assist in the construction of a Lego kit meant for anyone over the age of 4 then you know how extremely complicated Lego construction can be.  I liken it to putting together an IKEA dresser. Scandinavians must be much smarter than the rest of us.  For a good laugh, read Michael Chabon's book "Manhood For Amateurs".  He has a chapter dedicated to kits and minifigs. I bring up Lego construction, because right now Dwell has a Lego Modern Home Design competition going on. Through April 15th, you get to vote on your favorite.  Knowing what I do about Legos, I find these absolutely amazing (and the descriptions are too).

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Ladies Who Lunch

Ladies Who Lunch

I'm about to leave to catch my flight to Palm Springs. There's really nothing like taking a mini vacation with old friends.  It's nice to step away from your everyday life for a bit to catch up, sleep in, recharge. Being a mom to young children is really hard.  There's really no other way to put it.  Whether you have a newborn baby that you are trying to figure out, a sleep disaster, toddler tantrums, food fights, nanny issues... just getting through the day (and night) can make you feel like a skipping record. I think being honest about that and making time for yourself is the only way to be happy.  I should mention that being a mom is also the best thing that ever happened to me, but for totally unexplained reasons. 

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