Guest Post: Lisa from Picnic

Guest Post: Lisa from Picnic

On a recent gloomy afternoon, we headed one hour west from our home in Berkeley to the calm seashore of Tomales Bay.  Tomales Bay is famous for their oysters but as it turns out, has quite a nice collection of driftwood as well. My eldest took in the scenery and my youngest kept me on my toes with his attempts to swim in the frigid waters (with his clothes on), and both were enthusiastic for my driftwood scavenger hunt.  I had this very project in mind.

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The Cover Up: Guest Post by Jen from Day By Daily

The Cover Up: Guest Post by Jen from Day By Daily

Let me start by saying a big thank you to Heather for inviting me here to guest post. I am lucky enough to know Heather in real life, and let me tell you that it is a treat to be invited to her house (hint, hint). Her boys are wild much like my own, but her home is always happy and beautiful (and clean!). There is always something delicious to eat, and some cool new DIY that has been done. I always check in to Poppy Haus hoping she has revealed THE BIG SECRET of how she does it all. But on to the goods...

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The Laundress

The Laundress

Today I'm doing something that I've never done before here on Poppy Haus (do I sound like Ira Glass?).  I've enlisted my sister-in-law/ best friend to do a guest post. The topic is one that she is, by all measures, an expert on. Now, I know how to use stain remover and what detergents to buy; what I need help with strategy. I envy her ability to prevent pilling and prolong the life of inexpensive knits, keep her kid's clothes stain free, and preserve the original texture and size of her jeans. You never see an overflowing hamper at her house. No, not ever.

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