Side Ways

Side Ways

Ever since I started back at school, the dishwasher always seems full, the cupboard a little bare, and I am just a teensy bit frazzled. It seems the 20+ minutes it takes to prepare those healthy whole grain sides that my family loves to eat everyday is getting to be too much.  We've resorted to buying bags of prepared brown rice to nuke for the kids just to get dinner on the table, even though we have full bags of the stuff in our pantry. It occurred to me that I could probably take a half an hour over the weekend to make double, triple batches and freeze it myself.  That goes for quinoa, and pasta too. Such a time saver, it will only take 2 minutes in the microwave to heat it up when we need it. Stay tuned for a few yummy recipes using pre-made quinoa this Wednesday...

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1-2-3, 1-2-3

1-2-3, 1-2-3

I've never had much rhythm.  True story, I really wanted to be a cheerleader in high school, but I knew that the only way I'd make it onto the squad is if I tried out for mascot. I'll have you know that I rocked that bear suit.  

I bring this up, because now that I write Poppy Haus, I find that I tend to post in fits and spurts, sometimes five days a week, sometimes two, and I always wish that I were more organized about it. A couple of weeks ago, I went to Altitude Design Summit, and it gave me a lot to think about. I sat down and made a plan, and I tried it out, and suddenly I felt it. I've got rhythm. Here's how it goes:

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The Laundress

The Laundress

Today I'm doing something that I've never done before here on Poppy Haus (do I sound like Ira Glass?).  I've enlisted my sister-in-law/ best friend to do a guest post. The topic is one that she is, by all measures, an expert on. Now, I know how to use stain remover and what detergents to buy; what I need help with strategy. I envy her ability to prevent pilling and prolong the life of inexpensive knits, keep her kid's clothes stain free, and preserve the original texture and size of her jeans. You never see an overflowing hamper at her house. No, not ever.

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Art Smart

Art Smart

Instagram can make an IKEA paper roller look pretty fancy.  I wanted to share the newest space in my soon to be vacated home.  Not being able to move furniture around and DIY a new wall piece is kind of driving me crazy, so I decided I should start packing!  First thing to go into a box were the ubiquitous backwards facing books on my credenza. I've come to realize this only makes sense on a West Elm display case. It freed up some space for something I've been trying to do for a while.  All of our art supplies are kept downstairs out of necessity, but there's a lot of art happening here and homework requires coloring shapes and drawing pictures to write about.  I needed an art space with the basics. I finally gave up on the old easel (it was a good idea in theory) and bought this low profile paper roller, which has a push down top to easily brace and tear clean sheets.  I put the crayons, colored pencils and canister of glue sticks, sharpeners and rounded scissors on a lacquered tray that can easily be moved to the kitchen table. Spiffy and sensible.

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