The New Year

The New Year

As we prepare to knock down walls, and basically change our entire upstairs interior floor plan, I've been thinking more deeply about the direction I want to take with finishes, styling, and the overall vibe of our house.  I'm thinking about the next 15 years that we plan to spend in this house and how the boys (8,4) will grow older.  The toys will recede, the focus will shift from playdates and legos to practices, hanging out, and homework. Eventually they will be towering over me, and in what will seem like the blink of an eye, they will head off into the world, and Adam and I will begin our next chapter.  I bring all this up, because when I consider a space, I consider the people who live there, and how that will change over time. I consider their need for personal space or companionship, what they need in their home, and how they really live.

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The tree is down. I put it next to our fireplace this year, and totally dried it out.  While I'm a little sad to see Christmas go, I was tiring of the endless versions of little drummer boy I've heard over the last month. Fortunately I have next week's NYE party to look forward to. I'm making my first photo booth for the occasion, and I've been working on some festoons for the party guests. While packing away our Christmas haul, I discovered a box of this net-like craft paper padding, and I thought it might look pretty nifty spray painted gold, fashioned into a paper crown. I also painted feather tips with school glue, then dredged them in old fashioned glitter.  To make both, all you'll need is some cheap-o plastic headbands,  hot glue, masking tape (or washi) and gold metallic spray paint. See photo tutorial below...

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You Say You Want A Resolution

You Say You Want A Resolution

Yesterday my family and I met up with our good friends for a hike in Redwood Park, in the Oakland Hills above our home.  It's pretty unbelievable that this piece of nature is in our backyard. I spend a lot of time driving around, running endless errands, carting kids, and cooped up in the house working on projects and working on work...I seldom I get out there to clear my head and run away from it all.  I'm not one for resolutions, but I think a new year is a time of self-contemplation.

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