Give Me Shelter

Give Me Shelter

One of my favorite scenes from a movie took place inside a house-tent in The Royal Tenenbaums.  Richie and Margot sat listening to "She Smiled Sweetly" by The Rolling Stones and shared a real moment. It was an illuminated hideaway in their otherwise chaotic childhood home.  I think I've secretly wanted a little tent in my house ever since.  Fast forward 11 years.  My son Wylie has the tiniest shoe box of a room.  It holds a crib, a small dresser and wardrobe.  It's never been a place for him to hang out. His birthday is today and I presented him with his very own little teepee tent for his room.  I've been working on it all week. It's made from eco-felt, dowels and twine. I tried my hand at a little hand textile design using an oil based fabric pen  I'll put up a tutorial update to this post soon. For now, here's some more pictures...

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Come On Get Happy!

Come On Get Happy!

My friend Becky writes a blog and runs a brand called Deluxe. Her slogan goes like this:

Make Your Home Your Happy Place. It really resonates with me...I think that's what I try to do with my space.  I have creative, messy kids and an open space house. I kind of have to embrace the small child thing when keeping house and decorating. Here's some pages from  my rulebook:

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A Haus of One's Own

A Haus of One's Own

I wanted to make an outdoor play space for our kids.  We don't have a sprawling lawn, in fact our backyard is a eucalyptus grove, and hilly.  Inspired by the architecture of some of the houses around us in the canyon, I came up with the idea of a German style A-Frame. It needed to be water tight, and we needed to keep the wildlife out so I decided to make the roof out of green house corrugated sheets, alternating clear and opaque.  I had to dust off my math skills, and of course get some help constructing it from someone who knew how to build structures (Ben Jennings), but it turned out to be a 4 hour project and well worth the money $285 (comparable kits out there are upwards of $1000). When we thought about it, if you doubled it in size adults could actually sleep in it. We added a hanging chair to one of the adjacent trees, and have grand plans of putting an old playground slide into the hill and maybe even a covered sandbox. For now we have a space for the kids to hide, swing and do their thing.

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