DIY Turban Headband

DIY Turban Headband

Headbands hurt my head.  It's a lesson I have to learn over and over again, because I love the way they look. I have amassed a collection that are, for the most part, relegated to face washing or the first 15 minutes of an outfit. The only way I can get away with a headband is if it is loosely fitted, with an elastic band around the back; a style that is usually only found in the little girls section.  After spotting something like this at Anthropologie, in a material that was a little too fancy for my taste, I set out to make my own, using the last of the scrap fabric from a long ago favorite dress. I can't wait to wear it this summer, hair down, up in a pony tail, or over the forehead, turban style. This tutorial is based on my own medium noggin size, just adjust the measurements to fit your own head properly.

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