Ladies Who Lunch

Jess Brown dolls.  Part of my Pretty Little Things board on Pinterest.

I'm about to leave to catch my flight to Palm Springs. There's really nothing like taking a mini vacation with old friends.  It's nice to step away from your everyday life for a bit to catch up, sleep in, recharge. Being a mom to young children is really hard.  There's really no other way to put it.  Whether you have a newborn baby that you are trying to figure out, a sleep disaster, toddler tantrums, food fights, nanny issues... just getting through the day (and night) can make you feel like a skipping record. I think being honest about that and making time for yourself is the only way to be happy.  I should mention that being a mom is also the best thing that ever happened to me, but for totally unexplained reasons. 

xo, Heather