The Youth Vote

The Youth Vote

In 1984, when I was 6 years old, my dad had the talk with me.  No, not that talk you weirdo, the one about elections and politics. It was the summer of Reagan's big re-election campaign and "It's Morning In America" was all over the airwaves (written and narrated by my future boss Hal Riney). It was my first election cycle, and I had lots of questions.  Fast forward to 2012 and I'm finding myself having the same conversation with my own 6 year old.  While he's not sitting and watching the debates, he is exposed to the occasional attack ad, and parental grumbling about their opposition candidate.  I struggle to find the best way to teach him about elections, party platforms, and the bigger questions like "why don't you like that guy". 

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Ladies Who Lunch

Ladies Who Lunch

I'm about to leave to catch my flight to Palm Springs. There's really nothing like taking a mini vacation with old friends.  It's nice to step away from your everyday life for a bit to catch up, sleep in, recharge. Being a mom to young children is really hard.  There's really no other way to put it.  Whether you have a newborn baby that you are trying to figure out, a sleep disaster, toddler tantrums, food fights, nanny issues... just getting through the day (and night) can make you feel like a skipping record. I think being honest about that and making time for yourself is the only way to be happy.  I should mention that being a mom is also the best thing that ever happened to me, but for totally unexplained reasons. 

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Thanks, but No Thanks

Yesterday while cruising the aisles of Target, I got some friendly parenting advice from a woman of a certain age.  Wylie was reaching back into the cart to grab the giant bouncy ball we were getting.  I asked him to turn around and she sighed and said "I think you're asking a lot Mom". Right. This is not the first time I've received handy tips from grumpy old ladies.  I think it'd be funny to compile an ongoing list of the unsolicited parenting advice we've received, especially from nosy strangers.  Leave your stories here or on facebook. 

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