Kale Pesto Roasted Cauliflower

Kale Pesto Roasted Cauliflower

I've never really loved pesto.  I think I'm kind of sensitive to garlic, so it always tastes so strong to me.  Alas, I had to make pesto as part of my preschool duties this month, so I prepared a mild version using only baby kale and spinach, toasted pine nuts, olive oil and sea salt.  The result is really very delicious, almost creamy despite being vegan.  It would work for a spread on toasted bread, or as a sauce for gnocchi, but today's recipe has it coated onto cauliflower florets and roasted in the oven.  Roasting vegetables gives them a tender, nutty flavor, and adding pesto to the mix only bolsters that quality... 

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Umami Pie

Umami Pie

I like cobbler. Usually executed as a dessert, cobbler is baked fruit (stewed in it's own juices) with a biscuit topping.  What's not to like about that?  As my 7 year old will tell you, a tomato is a fruit and because of that, when cooked, tomato yields a lot of juice.  Best made with very ripe tomatoes, this cobbler is has the most pleasing of all of all tastes, umami. And the best thing about my tomato cobbler is that it is not only juicy, savory, salty, and sweet..it's vegan. I made vegan biscuits and they rock. Here's the recipe, try it soon, because it's prime tomato time. 

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